by Amanda
Hayman ’17
Adelphi’s Meghan McPherson, adjunct professor of emergency management and assistant director for the Center for
Health Innovation, talks
to the LI Herald about the historic
Louisiana flooding which has left over 40,000 homes damaged, 30,000 people
rescued and 13 dead.
“The scope of
this is astronomical,” McPherson told the LI
Herald. “This is a compounding trauma, because many of the families who
were traumatized by Katrina and had to flee, they fled to higher ground in
Baton Rouge and now lost everything again.”
McPherson also
praised the efforts of Project Pay it Forward, the Chamber of Commerce, Project
11561 and many local businesses for launching a drive to collect school
supplies and gift cards.
“I think this
event next week is great,” said McPherson. “The school supplies will help these
kids have some semblance of normalcy. As we remember, not only do they have
nothing at home, but they also lost all their school supplies.”