Monday, February 15, 2016

Dr. K. C. Rondello Responds to Zika Outbreak Concerns

On February 1, 2016, The World Health Organization announced the Zika virus outbreak as a global health emergency.  From its rapid spread across large parts of South America, to its suspected links to birth defects, there are many reasons people fear the danger of the Zika virus.
FiOS1 News recently spoke with K.C. Rondello, Ph.D., Academic Director of the Department of Emergency Management, to discuss the dangers of a Zika outbreak after the first reported U.S. case of the disease was reported in Texas. 
“It basically means that any country could have concerns for transmission of Zika,” says Dr. Rondello about the discovery that the disease could be transmitted sexually.” There is a concern that this is going to exponentially increase, in terms of number of cases and potentially severity of cases.”
See the full story on FiOS1 News.